Terms of Use

Link to this website

  • Links to the website of SAVESTEEL Pte Ltd. ("SAVEsteel") may be made without prior permission of SAVEsteel whether such links are from profit, non-profit or intranet sites.
  • In principle, links may be made to https://www.savesteel.org only. If you wish to specify any other page or file on this website as a link destination, contact us and provide the URLs of the desired link destination and of the source on your site to link from.
  • Notwithstanding the above, SAVEsteel firmly refuse to accept any link that:
    • is from a site including any content that libels or defames SAVEsteel or any of its products or impairs its credibility
    •  is from a site that contains any illegal content (including potentially illegal content) or is or may have been related to any illegal activity (including potentially illegal activity)
    • makes SAVEsteel's content appear as if it were originating from another website by framing or any other means