Personal Information Protection Policy

SAVESteel recognizes that it is our responsibility to protect your personal information. We therefore implement the following policies.

  1. SAVESteel will set up training programs to educate employees regarding proper handling of personal information and assign a person in each division to be responsible to protect personal information.
  2. Through the adoption of reasonable security measures, SAVESteel makes effort to protect Personal Information Data from such risks as leakage, loss or damage.
  3. SAVESteel will not make use of Personal Information without your prior consent or beyond the scope appropriate to the purpose of use to which you have agreed, which has been notified/publicized or which is self-explanatory from the circumstance of acquisition of Personal Information, or when it is necessary for some other justifiable reason allowed by laws and regulations.
  4. SAVESteel will not supply or disclose Personal Information Data to third parties other than SAVESteel's service consignees without your prior consent, or when it is necessary for some other justifiable reason allowed by laws and regulations.
  5. When providing Personal Information to third parties, SAVESteel makes efforts to protect Personal Information from such risks as leakage or further distribution by the third parties, by obligating the third parties through contract, except under special circumstances.
  6. If you wish to confirm, correct or suspend use of Personal Information Data, SAVESteel responds to such requests as far as possible within reasonable limits. Please contact the designated division for customer inquiries.
  7. SAVESteel complies with the laws and regulations of Singapore concerning protection of Personal Information and continues to review and make efforts to improve our compliance program including this policy.


Personal Information registered with us may be used to send free information from SAVESteel to you.

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